Private Yoga Sessions
When you are striving to achieve the very best version of yourself

Accellerated Progress
You deserve to spend meaningful time with yourself each week. Our sessions are more than just a work out or a stretch. Yoga is for your mind and heart as much as it is for your physical body.
Dusing our work together your practice will be inspired through yogic philosophy and meditation for a deeper, more layered experience. I offer every session with a tone of self-connection and gratitude.
Sessions are tailored to your requests and draw influence from the following styles:
• Hatha (slower paced, holding poses longer)
• HIIT Yoga (fusion of High Intensity Interval Training, Tabata style and yoga)
• Power Yoga (fitness based Vinyasa)
• Restorative (resting with the support of props; calming the nervous system)
• Vinyasa (active, warming, sweat)
• Yin (slow, meditative, deep stretch – you won’t break sweat)

How Does It Work?
First, give us a call or schedule a time for us to call you. You’ll receive a telephone consultation with Nerry so that we can make sure we’re the right fit.
Next, we come to your home for an introductory session where we’ll assess your needs and explore what you’re looking for in a yoga practice.
From there, we create a plan to work together once, twice, or three times per week, with yoga sessions that are perfectly tailored to your body and lifestyle.
We ask for a commitment of at least 6 weeks to start because each session builds on the previous one and progress comes through consistent practice.
Read our FAQ for more information.
What you will need
Here is a short list of gear and props we recommend you to get for success with your Yoga sessions.
• Yoga mat
• Blocks & Strap
• Bolster (Rectangular)
• Yoga Blankets (1-2)