NerryFit Blog
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How to heal your back and Sciatica pain
Here are some yoga asanas to soothe lower back and sciatic nerve pain

Yoga to ease migrains
Suffer From Migraines? These Simple Yoga Moves Can Help

Yoga at your desk!
That’s right, there aren’t any excuses! Here are 11 straightforward stretches that will help counter those long hours spent hunched over your computer!

Yoga poses to ease gas and bloating
Feeling Bloated? Learn how practicing yoga can help to improve the function of the digestive system

HIIT Yoga Workout
Take your yoga practice to the next level by adding the element of high-intensity interval training, or HIIT to your flow.

Yoga For Anxiety
No one is immune to anxiety and depression. We all suffer from it to some degree throughout our lives and that’s okay. But when anxiety begins impacting our daily life and ability to live a fulfilling life that’s when it becomes an issue.

Yoga while fasting
Yoga poses that cleanse and detox the body. As we approach the Holy Month of Ramadan, it’s important to reflect on fasting as an age-old concept practised for religious purposes and physical purification.

Yoga for Travellers
Yoga poses to help you unwind after a plane ride or while you wait at the airport

Yoga for inflexible people
If you think you are too inflexible for yoga, think again! By far the most common excuse we hear for not trying yoga is, “I’m not flexible.” If your muscles are tight and your joints are inflexible this is all the more reason to begin to practice yoga. Inflexibility...

Treating knee pain with yoga
Are you suffering from knee joint pain? Whether you’re a professional runner, a weekend warrior, or confronting the effects of lack of exercise from our sedentary lifestyle -- either you, or somebody you know has probably suffered from knee pain.Knee pain and joint...